Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 4 - Lambs Canyon Trail

Had rain for the 1st time since May last night -- perfect day to go bflying (and of course, for a hike). Going back to Lamb's Canyon; haven't been there in several weeks and I'm curious as to whether the flowers at the top are blooming yet --- they should be.

I love the rain; everything smells so fresh and earthy. Even the pit toilet smell fresh...well, Lysol-y fresh (must've just missed the cleaning folks).

The trail is so green and lush! And its very wet from the rains. Just walking thru my pants are getting wet/muddy and in a short while, my shoes look like I stepped in a stream. The plants (mostly geraniums - white, pinks, and red/pink and lupine) overhang the trail; and the different shades of green are amazing. But its sooooo beautiful! Reminds me of hiking at Olympic Nat'l Park in WA or the Columbia River Gorge in OR. Of course the humidity is also higher - and just like OR/WA, I walk uphill in almost a permanent fog due to steamed up glasses. (Think I mastered "the wave" to try and get the glasses to de-fog quicker.)

In the middle of all the geraniums stands a very tall plant with a purple flowers. Its a monkshood!

I've always wanted to see one; and here it is, the only monkhood that I can see in the forest. What a unique flower.

Cow Parsnip, purple aster, mint w/ its spiky light pink flowers (lots of mint) are scattered throughout the trail.

I hear/see a hummingbird zip by.

There's a bright red flower (like a little trumpet) in this one section -- Scarlet Gilia -- looks like a great hummingbird flower. But no hummingbirds here.

Then there's this odd plant,  it has a wild "hairdo".

Not many bflys on the way up -- probably still too wet and cool. But I do see a few fritillaries and a checkerspot.

As I get further up the trail, there is a plant that looks like a coneflower (w/o leaves - just the "cone" and no flowers....yet). Looks pretty neat.

The baneberry plants are going to seed w/ their green round seed pods on pink/red stems.

There's this small black and white moth - looks a little like the Weidemeyer's Admiral and has the same hypnotic black/white pattern when flying. They're flying in good numbers. But as the old story goes, they don't stop.

In the final leg, there's a patch of White Columbine. The petals are wet and sagging. Their petals are almost translucent.

Then there's paintbrush and SNAKE!

(At least this one didn't slitter across the trail, he just slithered along side the trail.)

The trail opens near the top, lots of paintbrush and mints! And the top is in full bloom with the same flowers!!

The sun is higher on the way down; its warmer and drying out. And its a Fritillay frenzy! I've never seen so many so many frits -- several different species. And its pretty much the only type of bfly flying (just a few checkerspots - and they were antagonizing the frits to get to the flowers).

Finally, see one of the moths stop; I get a brief look before it takes off.

Haven't see many dragonflies in UT but today I have a large darner (I believe) land in front of me - if I didn't have my hands full w/ bflys, I wouldn't mind learning some dragonfly ID -- I haven't seen many in UT so it can't be that hard...right?!

Today with all the frits in the air, I get a treat. I get stopped by 2 frits doing a courting dance. The female stands still as the males circles, his wings to the left, then to the right. He pauses behind, and then continues.

Its pretty cool but is quickly interrupted when another male flys in. Both males leave the female standing as they fly off in aerial battle. :( Oh well, since the event is over, time to make the female move and continue on my way.

When I finish the trail, I check out the muddy, wet areas in the parking for bflys. More frits, Russet Skipperling, Lilac Bordered Copper, Clodius Parnassian, Boisduval's Blue and WTB. And to top this day off, finally, yes finally, one of the Yellow Swallowtails stop to mud puddle. Its a Western Tiger!

And the Fireweed is in bloom!

Great 4th of July hike!

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