Friday, July 26, 2013

July 19: Mono Pass

Day 6: I'm heading back to Mosquito Flats to hike up to Mono Pass at 12000 ft. Start on the same trail from the other day's Little Lakes hike but veer off about 1/4-1/2 mile (once through the walk thru the flowers and along the stream).

Heading here because I just want to get to 12K but also there's a bfly (Sierra Skipper) that is endemic to this area and flies above 11,500ft. My "bfly guy" gave me 2 locations, one in which he's actually been and seen them (down around the Bristlecone Pine area) and the 2nd was this pass -- and he's never been here so if I see one, I can give him details.

It's a little warmer today when I start (around 65degrees). Seems cool but maybe its my imagination but its really warm with the sun intensity at 10K+.  The trail is about 4 miles (one-way) with an elevation of 2000ft. From what I've read, its only a 7% grade for the 1st 1.8 miles and 12% the rest (of course that's just an average).

The trail starts up right from the start. Long switchbacks. Some flat and dirt trail; other parts rocky steps. The views of the Little Lakes Valley get better with every completion of a switchback as I'm just getting higher up.

I can now see why Heart Lake is named accordingly.

Lots of flowers and bflys. I see a Little Elephant head (the smaller version of Elephant Head - still has the ears and the trunk - though I think the other Elephant head looks more like an elephant.)

Part way to Ruby Lake I come across a little pond (its a brackish pond) and looking across is one of the beautiful mt peaks of the Little Lakes Valley.

I continue to climb, the slopes getting rockier and tougher looking. And I'm hot and not sure if I'm making to the top today. (I also have a very sore/bruise little toe -- hate when furniture jumps out in front of you -- so walking isn't pain-free.)

I come across another wet "pond" and there's a dark creature in the middle of the water. I'm pretty excited because I don't know what this thing is - but its sure having fun in the water. Well, I get up a little closer and realize that its just a black dog -- actually a dog that passed me on its way up. He's actually chasing fish -- its pretty funny. His owners finally make it down the trail. Older couple (local) and we talk for a bit. He tells me not to bother with Mono Pass ("it's just big rocks", "do it only if you want the exercise"). He suggested I just go to Ruby Lake -- it's the jewel of the hike. Well at this point, I'm convinced -- Mono Pass is for another day (and I need to get here around 7am instead).

The turnoff for Ruby Lake is about 100yrds up the trail. The trail follows a stream (which flows into the little pond the dog was playing in). I follow the trail and I can see the big mountains that I'm coming closer to with every step.

The trail opens up into a flatter area where the water pools - not at the lake yet but it still looks pretty.

A little further up the trail I come to the lake pressed up against the granite walls of the mountains (approx. 11141ft). I love these mountain lakes because they are so clear.

I can only investigate the one side as there is no trail around it because of the mts. I find where the point of the lake where the stream starts and take a little rest.

Then its all downhill. Boy is it hot -- I'm glad I didn't try to make it to Mono Pass today.

In Mammoth Lakes, there's a European Bakery that I eyed last year and everyday this week. I decide to stop after supper. Some wonderful looking desserts; the Baclava caught my eye. Haven't had a slice in years...until tonight. Hmmmmmm!

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