Decided I wanted a short hike today so took off after work to the Brighton Ski Resort for a hike to Catherine Pass. The trail goes past 3 mountain lakes: Mary, Martha and Catherine. Its a 1.2 miles - 800 ft climb to Lake Mary and an addition 650 ft (and 1.3 miles) to the Pass.
Beautiful start to the evening. Its 104 in SLC and a mere 86 at the Brighton Center (which is about 8700ft). The walk up to the lakes was filled with some amazing fields of flowers - for the most part the same species, lupine, geranium, bluebells, paintbrush, mint, white columbine and fields of yellow daisy-like flowers.
And shocking there were bfly still flying - some frits, quite a few Clodius Parnassians, a couple of Chryxus Arctic and a Blue.
I soon come to a concrete dam and I knew Lake Mary had to be on the other side. A little further and there she was, nestled on 2 sides by mountains with tons of flowers around her.
There was only 1 couple at the lake, everyone else was heading down while I was heading up (I kinda felt like I shouldn't even be going up but its only 4:30).
Spent some time exploring the lake but I wanted to continue. So on I went to Lake Martha which is only about 1/2 mile away. The lake is on the right side of the trail and off-trail. Decided that I would stop on the way back if I had time.
The trail rises above Lake Mary - the lake is nicer from above.
I see a grey bird with a yellow -- not sure what its is, but its different.
As I continue up the trail, there's a little spur trail leading to a mountain and it still has snow. Its worth a quick trip to check out the snow (and to see if there is any different flowers blooming in there). Pretty much the same bloomers.
A little further down there a small little pond, some snow and a nice mountain.
I'm figuring that Lake Catherine has got to be around here. So I cross through a wet field with Elephant Head and Shooting Stars blooming and there was the lake! This is definitely the prettiest and the one with the most flowers.
I start heading down to the lake through the flowers and I hear a noise above me on a hill. A deer! I can't believe I actually squealed (its not like I never seen deer). But this was a buck (4 pointer) still with velvet on its antlers! I got to watch it prance away through the flowers.
I stopped for supper. As I was eating I noticed it was getting darker as clouds were rolling in. A little paranoid that a storm was rolling in (we've been in a pretty wet cycle lately), I decided it was best to head down (especially since I was almost at 10000ft).
Of course by the time I got back to Lake Mary the sun was out again (as were the mosquitoes). But I noticed a pretty pink tubular plan called Pink Spectacled Rocket and another red/pink flower that like a little ball opening and flowers pop out...
sometimes an out-n-back trail actually has its advantages.
Back toward the resort, lots of ground squirrels were romping around. They're cute. One of the squirrels decided to run at a robin, I've never seen a robin hop so high to clear the squirrel. :)
Well didn't make it to my destination, but at least next time, I'll know what to expect and it was a great hike.
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