Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 16: Little Lake Valley

Day 3: Today is sunny and I'm off to Little Lakes Valley. I was here last year and I'm so looking forward to today. Starting at10,200ft, this place is just heaven on Earth for me - a valley surrounded by mountains; filled with streams and lakes. Lakes named: Mack, Marsh, Heart, Box, Long, Chickenfoot (my favorite) and Gems Lake. There are usually temporary ponds and wet areas -- but this year they were pretty much dry already. With all the water, there are so many different flowers from the start to the end of the trail. And all this starts at a trailhead called Mosquito Flats. How can't it be just awesome!!

I get to the TH and its a cool 53degrees - just perfect hiking weather. The problem: there are a bunch of kids gathering for the same hike - mmmm, maybe not the quiet hike I'm envisioning. I stall to let them get a head start - and so they can all get done with the pit toilets :)

The trail from the parking lot climbs about 200ft alongside a stream and thru bunches of flowers. The group is over the first hill, so I start off. I catch the stragglers before the trail flattens out at the intersection where the Mono Pass veers off. Fortunately, the group was taking a break and I got around them (yea!) - though I'm pretty sure I'll meet up with them at some point today.

One last little hill and ... the valley.

Feeling good today -- must be the cool temps -- and have a pretty good pace going, despite looking at flowers (allium, shooting stars, elephanthead, ranger buttons,

columbine (white, red), paintbrush - some of these are very tiny and colored red/yellow, pink, etc.

I cross streams on conveniently placed rocks. And before I knew it I was at Long Lake (about 2miles). The trail follows the west side of Long Lake - sandwiched between a rocky mountain and the lake. There are tons of columbine against the mountains in the shade. As I walk down the lake I hear chirping and I hear wings fluttering -- 2 hummingbirds zipping around. They'd stop for just moments on the bushes and take off again -- never got a good look to even try to ID them.

I continue on towards Chickenfoot Lake. The grade gets steeper (which is why most folks stop at Long Lake) but its worth the climb (The 3.5 mile hike only goes up about 700ft so its not bad if you can manage the thin air.)

I get to the Chickenfoot turnoff (2.8miles) but my goal right now is to get to Morgan Pass. I'll visit the lake on the way back cause it was awesome last year. At around 3.4 miles I get to the junction of Morgan Pass and Gems Lake. It's Morgan Pass -- map says its about 0.3 miles and 200 ft -- pretty steep but at least the trail is wide and looks like an old road (though I wouldn't want to drive on it). Very rocky (little vegetation but there are some flowers here and there) but the views looking back on the valley are pretty nice.

I see a Parnassian fly by and off the side of the trail -- not chasing that one, not sure I'd survive the 1st step.

I get to the top -- 11,110 - highest I've ever walked. Nothing really exciting, just a bunch of very large grey rocks/boulders.

I wanted to continue to Upper Morgan Lake but I couldn't remember how far it was and I couldn't see it, so back down and to Gems Lake. (Next time, I'll get there.)

Have to cross a creek to get here -- lots of monkeyflowers, daisies as well as paintbrush.

I figured Gems Lake might be crowded (perhaps with the kids) but when I got there, only one couple - I met them down at the hummingbirds. Found a nice cozy spot in the shade under a pine tree my feet dangling over the lake. I had lunch watching the trout swim around. (Gems Lake sits at about 10,900 feet nestled by mountains on 2 sides and is the perfect destination for a day hike.)

Time to visit Chickenfoot Lake -- last year there were so many little paintbrush around the lake it was amazing. This year I'm not sure what exactly happened. But the trail I was on led to a marsh (but other people were on the trail too) -- not sure if I took a side trail to the lake last year or perhaps the lake was really low but it was a little disappointing. (I'll just have to keep last year's images in my head.)

Back down the trail, lots of people coming up the trail now (I'm glad I'm heading the opposite direction). Finished about 2pm (around 9miles total). The whole way back I'm think "pie". Last year when I was here, I hiked Little Lakes and the next day met some folks who knew the hike and asked if I stopped for pie at the Rock Creek Lodge (supposed to be some great pie). Well, I didn't know about it then so now that I know....must stop.

I got to the lodge and they only had 2 pieces left -- Coconut Cream. Got one of those slices and if I had been a couple minutes later, I would've missed out. Mmmmmmmmm!!!!! What an ending to a great day!

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