Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dec 25 - Snowshoe Dog Lake (well almost)

Merry Christmas!!!

And its a beautiful sunny day on the Wasatch Front. To celebrate my Christmas, I'm going for a snowshoe trip. Thinking about Guardsman Pass (basically a road they close for the winter they goes from Big Cottonwood Canyon over to the Park City side). The pass is 3 miles (roundtrip). Would've been perfect (especially with new hiking shoes) but I went for Dog Lake -- that's 5.4 miles (1200ft). (And both trails have a very low avalanche threat which is what I'm looking for especially because the threat is extremely high right now.)

The drive was very pretty. Even though we're finally getting some warm weather and the snow is melting (at the lower elevation, the canyon is so pretty). In one spot, there is an ice waterfall. Big Cottonwood creek is flowing and is visible in most spots (or it just covered by snow).

The parking area is the parking lot for the Spruces Campground. There's probably 15 cars when I pull in around 10:45am -- not bad for a Sunday (and Christmas morning). And there's some pretty nice views and I haven't travelled 50 yrds yet.

I get all bundled up (its 19degrees out) and my new winter hiking boots on and head across the street to the trailhead. Its pretty short-n-steep so I climb up to a flatter part before I put on the snowshoes. And then its just me and the trail.

The trail starts immediately uphill (gently) and in full/partial sun. I quickly lose my layers (outershell and fleece). The trail (which is a snowy road at this point) passes through a bunch of summer cabins (all empty now). Then I finally hit the "real trail" -- aspens, fir trees everywhere. And its just a steady uphill.

The sun is behind me and there are shadows from the trees. There are also 2 large mts behind me as well. Tough to get a clear view without trees in the way but possible.

Its pretty quiet --- I know there's a stream near the trail because in spots it pokes through the snow. And sometimes when I stop, I do hear it.

My plan was only to go part way but my feet are warm (yes, new boots) so I keep pushing on despite knowing I'm starting to get blisters (boo, new boots). I taped the usual hot spots before I left home but I've got "unusual" hotspots now :(.

I'm seeing rabbit tracks and the occasional deer track.

I think about turning around several times but there's always one more corner. I finally come to a sign that says Dog Lake is 0.6miles further ....and it is time to turnaround. (The blisters have won today.) Just gives me more incentive to come back later.

There were alot of people coming up as I was heading down --- hey, its afternoon now. I finally get to the parking lot about 1:30 --- fun day! Can't wait to come back!

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