Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dec 24 - Zoo Lights

Its Christmas Eve and what better way to spend it but enjoying the light display at the zoo. (And I'm not the only one with the idea as the place was pretty crowded.)

The lights were actually pretty impressive -- all animation -- wolf chasing rabbit, monkey eating banana, Santa (in sleigh) zooming past, ....

They even had the 12 days of Christmas all animated and with the music (took awhile to watch that one play out).

Saw some sleeping lemurs and monkeys, I think a grizzly bear (it looked too furry to be a log).

The seals were barking with the music.

They had the reptile/small mammal house (strange combo) open thankfully cause it was cold. Mostly sleeping animals like this sand cat all curled up in a blanketed tire;

the blacked footed cats were up as was a spider monkey (he was eating).

Back outside, the Amur Leopard was right by the glass -- couldn't tell if he was just meditating or sleeping.

But the highlight was the Amur Tiger. Big beast was pacing up high and growling (a loud deep growl --- but having hear a lion roar, the lion wins hands down). The tiger finally came down, took a drink and started walking across the enclosure still roaring. There's a bridge that crosses over the sidewalk -- I didn't realize it was actually functional until the tiger started crossing (still roaring). He stopped in the middle and looked down on us (looks like it was just a net between us and him but hard to tell in the dark). Kinda freaky in a way. Then he laid down. Could barely see his head but he was still roaring. Pretty cool!!

Merry Christmas!!!

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