Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sept 20 - Mormon Pioneer Trail

Such a nice day today (upper 70s), I thought a short hike would beat a stuffy gym so I went after work to Mormon Pioneer Trail. This was a tough decision because although I'd hit the trail at 3:30, I have to deal with the sun setting. I thought about Lamb's Canyon but that would be in the shade as the sun (although not set) would still behind the mt -- same issue for Summit Peak. That left Little Cottonwood (which would be in the shade but there are a lot of folks on that trail) OR the Pioneer Trail. I chose the Pioneer trail as its more interesting.

The aspen are changing - not the fall yellow yet but getting there. Probably next week-end they might peak (due to cooler weather). Would have stopped my car for a picture of the trees, river, valley but I was looking west (into the sun).

Got to the trailhead and there were a few cars (I was surprised). And just starting the trail I was greeted by a Satyr Comma -- all bright orange and fresh looking. Not a surprise to see it as they overwinter as an adult so they'll be out as long as its warm enough.

I hoping to see a moose tonight  -- I know their here and with it being dusk, I think I have a good chance (I just don't want one sneaking up on me.) I'm also fearful of seeing a cougar but I guess its better to see the cougar then have one running up behind me.

Majority of the flowers are now gone -- just a few asters and yellow flowers but not many.

Goal today is just 3 miles (of the 4.5) and then back, that should get me back to my car by 6pm before the mt shadows take over (I hope).

The wind is blowing, I can hear the leaves rustling (and see them falling). Kinda odd to be making progress on the trail -- instead of stopping constantly for bflys (I'm not complaining - I like the bflys ALOT).

I get to the little pond --- there are still blue dragonflies flying about. I see a butterfly fluttering near the ground. It looks like a faded and beaten CO Hairstreak - I saw a flash of blue when it opened its wings. It was flying maybe 1-2ft just along the ground and then landing. And not in a position to get confirmation of the ID. So I picked the little guy up and yes CO Hairstreak on his last flights. Now this is surprising!

I see a brown bird moving its way through the trees on the ground. He'd stop, I'd try to get a little closer to figure out what it was, and of course, he'd move further into the trees. Never did get a good look before it disappeared.

Well, I'm now walking in the shadow of the mt. And getting a little nervous because its been perfectly quiet the whole walk and now there are birds chirping up a storm. Don't know if its me or there's something walking in the woods --- like a cougar (eek)! My mind thinks about my trip to Africa and the alarm cries from the birds when a predator is nearby. Maybe I'm psyching myself out but I have goosebumps -- always trust your instincts, I'm heading back.

Once out of that area, no more birds chirping - hmmmmm!

I do see 2 Mylitta Crescents on a few remaining yellow flowers.

Didn't make it the 3miles in (probably around 2.5) but it was a nice walk.

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