Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept 1 - Sunset Peak (actually Pass)

I was up before 5am this morning (my body must have thought it was a workday) which is OK but I couldn't go back to sleep. (bummer) Finally a little after 6, decided it was time to get up and go on an early hike. It was cloudy but only 20% chance of rain and the forecast said "Sunny" (must mean the clouds will burn off shortly).

Time to go to the Albion Basin which is at the top of Little Cottonwood Canyon and above the Alta and Snowbird ski resorts at around 9500ft. Have never been that far in the Canyon (and it is as far as you can). But I've heard 1) its a great spot for moose 2) it is a premier area for wildflowers in July. I'm a little late for the wildflowers but definitely not moose.

The goal is Sunset Peak which is 4.2 mile (round trip) w/ a elevation gain of 1269ft (starting from 9379ft). The trail passes through the basin and up to Catherine's Pass (i.e., above Catherine Lake where I was yesterday) and up to Sunset Peak.

To get there, its to the end of the pavement (thru the town of Alta) and then 2miles on a dirt road winding up to the parking area. The views are incredible (despite the ski lifts). Huge mountains.

As I start up the dirt road, there's a doe in the middle of the road, just standing. I stop the car to watch. She finally hears my car and is trying to figure out what to do. Then on the left side of the road, a fawn steps out of the vegetation onto the road w/ Mom. Both are looking at me (and grooming themselves). I inch my car forward a bit and another fawn steps onto the road.

The first fawn gets a little spooked and heads into the vegetation. I inch forward some more and both deer start into the brush. I look to the left to make sure there are no more deer and there is another doe; I see her head. I move my car slowly because I'm afraid she'll bolt in front of my car; or worse, over the car. But she stayed and I got to pass. That's a nice start to the morning!

I continue to climb and finally get to the parking area (the parking to Cecret Lake is a little further down and a place I still need to visit). Only a few cars at about 8:30 --- 2 of them were guys with spotting scopes checking out the buck --- its hunting season and although they can't hunt in the direction they were looking, hunting is legal in some of the areas which I passed thru.

As I start up the trail, lots of purple asters still in bloom!

I was shocked because yesterday's hike was a little lower in elevation  the asters were about bloomed out by the time I got to Lake Mary (9,200).  But not complaining as they sure look nice. There were also white yarrow, a yellow buckwheat and some other yellow pea-like flower. There were lots of flowers past bloom - mints, lupine, geraniums, etc. And in an odd sort of way, they look pretty too.

There are some big mountains across the basin. I wish the sun was out because the mts would definitely look better against a blue sky and not totally cloudy one; but w/ the flowers in the foreground, they still look great!

I'm not too far into the trail when I come upon a man going in the opposite direction. He says something like "Boy, you're drinking a lot of water today" and I have no idea who he's talking to because there's no one else around. Maybe he's been hiking a bit too long. But as we pass, he has his 2-3yr old son on his back. And he has the camelback water tube in his mouth. I take their picture against the mountains and the little boy asks it I hear "it". All I hear are birds, then I hear it -- he's blowing bubbles in the tube. He was all smiles. What a cutey!

I see some ground squirrels along the way and then final come to a rather large meadow.

I checking it for moose but nothing. One last climb but I reached Catherine Pass (10,200). And yes, Catherine Lake is down below.

I've finally made it to the pass. The first time, I just ran out of time; yesterday, I got a headache on the hike (and I never get headaches) so I just never tried. But today success!

I see only one person at the lake -- pretty quiet, cloudy Sunday.

Time to go to Sunset Peak. I look at the trail and its pretty exposed - not liking it too much. But I talk myself into at least trying (I can always turn around). But as I climb, the trail turns to the backside of the mountain (yea!) which was less exposed and very sandy (not sure where the sand came from in this rocky environment).

I get almost to the Sunset Pass and there's this unbelievable view across the basin -- there's Lake Mary, Martha and Catherine!

I get to Sunset Pass.  The Great Western Trail connects here; but I'm not sure which way to go to Sunset Peak. Wish I would have brought my trail book along because I can't be that far way. Guess I'll just save it for another day -- maybe one with sun and possibly autumn colors. :)

As I head back down, many more folks heading up. Sometimes it pays to wake up early.

Next time I come to Catherine Lake, I'm coming this way as it is so much prettier than heading up from Big Cottonwood Canyon (except BCC has plenty of parking; LCC has very little parking - but does have a shuttle).

Great day (and it never did get sunny...the whole day).

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