Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 9 - Mirror Lake Scenic Byway

Heading for the high country today -- the High Unitas specifically. This mt range is older than the Wasatch which I can see from SLC. Additionally, the Unitas are unique in that they orient East-West (not the normal North/South). High peaks here = 13-14K. Curious to see the snow levels and if it is ready to hike yet. (Guy at work says, probably not ready.)

Heading to Kamas which is east of Park City (Exit 155 - RT 32S). This is the farthest east I've been on Hwy 80 since I've been here. Its a big climb to get to Parley's Summit (just west of Park City) and then it gets pretty curvy after Park City - but pretty country.

I exit south on 32 and pass Rockport State Park (which is a big reservoir). After passing the big lake, I just found where I want to live! It's ranchland -- wide open space surrounded by hills -- w/ some wet areas. There are Sandhill Cranes on the land. There horses w/ colts, cows, chickens and goats. There are old farmhouses and barns -- the really old ones that lean towards one side, w/ missing boards -- wonderful pieces of history. I love it! Problem is that its a 50min drive to work (one-way) and when it snows, I'd never get to work as 80 shuts down. Its 2013 -- where are the teleports, the Jetsons,...?!

As I pass thru the town of Oakley (little town with a diner -- that looks pretty cool) all I smell are wonderful lilacs -- and they are big lilac bushes.

Kamas is just a small. Probably does most of its business from scenic byway.

Today, I'm not looking for a big hike, just small walks to check things out.

My 1st stop is a Creek. I see Purplish Coppers and a Field Crescent (a 1st for the year) and Common Ringlet on my way down. Lots of wet/muddy areas near the creek -- water must be receding a bit.

I stopped at this one pull-out to see the Provo River. The area near the river is all rocks -- not boulder rocks but flat rocks - tiered rock slabs (something like that). The water is skimming over the surface -- hard to explain - but it looks cool.

Water is moving fast and there are little waterfalls. I walk probably 1/2 mile upstream to check out the little waterfalls. (I see a Comma bfly -- I think this is a Green Comma -- which would be a lifer for me.)

The big waterfall is at the Provo River Falls Overlook -- its probably a 40-50ft falls.

I make quick stop a Lost Lake.

The snow starts appearing here. And then the real meat of the climbing begins --- all the way to Bald Mt Pass at 10,759 ft. Wonderful overlook.

I also stop at the Bald Mt Picnic area -- which has a great view of Bald Mt. (of course). But the area is not fully open because of snow. In fact, I had to cross a tiny little stream that has cut thru the dirt road. There were 2 other cars there. I thought about climbing thru the snow to get a better look at the mt -- it wasn't too far to a small snow-free patch but when the snow was practically knee deep, thought better of that and moved on.

Up here, the glacier lilies are still hanging on.

 Finally reached my destination of Mirror Lake (the scenic byway continues probably for another 20miles but saving that for another day). As I enter the parking area, I hear frogs -- sounds like Chorus Frogs. There are quite a number of people here but still plenty of parking spaces. I have lunch near the creek and then go investigate the frogs.

I find the little pond that they're calling from -- very muddy here. And of course when I get close, they quit calling (like normal). I find 2 frogs swimming around and take some photos and about review -- they were really 4 frogs (hey, its spring!).

Decide to walk around Mirror Lake (ele 10,050ft); its only 1.5miles around. It sits under a large mt which is Bald Mt.

The trail starts on a boardwalk -- and there are many, many boardwalks around the lake -- as it is very wet as there are streams coming down the mts pretty much everywhere. There are streams over the grassy areas, thru trees; and all of this water is heading into the lake. (Like the mountain is weeping.) In some parts, the water is flowing so hard, I can see the little channel that was dug out from the water.

Yes, very wet. Where there isn't a boardwalk, there are a few parts of the trail that is either very muddy or underwater.

With all this water, there are plenty of buttercup flowers everywhere.

I pass plenty of fishermen (and women) going around the trail; fishing for Brown and Rainbow Trout. Wonderful views of different mts as I walk around. The lake is named Mirror Lake because of the reflections of the mts in the lake; however, today its a bit windy....

On the other side of the lake, the trail not only has muddy, wet sections but also sections still covered in snow -- just adds to the adventure.

Good walk; good scenery. And now its time to leave the 68degree air for 95 degrees in SLC.

(Definitely, hikeable in the lower sections, still need a few more weeks in the upper sections.)

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