Thursday, June 6, 2013

June 4 - Little Cottonwood Creek Trail

It was such a nice day, decided to take a hike down Little Cottonwood Creek trail instead of going to the gym (fresh air vs stuffy air). Last time I walked this trail, there was still snow in the shady section and the creek was not even flowing down at the beginning of the trail - siphoned off for our drinking water.

Got to the trailhead around 4:30 - more than enough time to walk the 6mi before dark. The lupine are in bloom here. Some look like they could use a drink of water - a little dry a raggedly.

Surprisingly, there are a few butterflies flying. (Wasn't expecting that.) There's a few duskywings in the area of the lupines. This could be something other than the Rocky Mt Duskywing. (finally!).

I can also hear the creek, very loud; it's roaring from all of the melting snow in the higher elevations. It was nice to see the rapids, little waterfalls.

There were even little seeps in the woods from the run-off -- I could here them gurgling in spots.

See a few buttercups; a couple of Swallowtails and a Spring Azure.

Get to the end of the trail - the snow that was here last time is long gone. The old brick building foundation is hard to find covered by leafed-out trees/brush. I have my supper here; just me and the creek.

On the way back, a lot more bikes on the trail. But still pretty quiet.

Saw a hummingbird hopping from blue penstemons taking a drink. When I got close enough, he hid in a tree.

About a mile from the end from a wonderful walk, I give myself a souvenir; I slipped on a gravelly section landing on both knees. Ow!! Big bruised goose-egg on the inside of my right (and a little scrape); hit a couple rocks with my left shin (2 big goose-eggs) and tore up my left knee. Owwww! (Not to mention ripping a hole in my left pant leg.) At least I have a 1st aid kit to clean up the damage. :) Definitely, NOT the way to add color to your legs for the summer.

I need a pain-killing German Chocolate Brownie from Kneaders - yummie!!

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