Had a couple of trails lined up for today but was moving like a turtle this morning. So since I had to due errands either today or Sat, today was errand day.
But still had time in the afternoon to go on a 5+ mile way down the Jordan River Parkway. Part of its in back of my house -- unfortunately I have to drive to it because its on the West side of the Jordan River, I live on the east side and there is no bridge nearby.
The Parkway is basically an urban trail that runs about 46 miles along the river -- and the Jordan River is one of a few rivers in North America that actually runs north.
The section I walk (and I've been on it many times already) is from 7200 to about 9000 in West Jordan. The first part of the trail is sandwiched between the river on the west and the Trax (commuter train) on the east. Once the trail crosses under 7800, the river is on the west and what was probably an old garbage dump on the east. The 7200-7800 is mostly a disturbed area with non-native weedy plants -- today lots of mustard species, yarrow, etc blooming. After 7800, is more native desert species especially along the river. Its very pretty (and getting prettier as the plants start blooming).
Hoping to see some butterflies but its around 3:30 so we'll see. Not long after starting the trail, butterflies -- they're whites -- probably Cabbage White (common all over US) but here in the West, they can also be Western Whites, Checkered Whites or Mustard Whites. They really need to stop so I can get a better look. They're plentiful...but flying. Finally, one lands and its not a Cabbage. Its a Checkered White!
I've seen them before but this is the first in UT! There are also Cabbage flying.
Came upon one section with lots of blooming white flowers (some mustard plant). Plenty of whites, but there are 2 smaller orange's bflys. I only get a quick look before they fly in aerial combat. I try to follow but that quickly ends as they fly through a fence. They were definitely 2 different species. The one looked like a Copper, the other either a Crescent or Checkerspot. Hopefully, they'll still be here when I come back down the trail.
I get a quick look at a male quail. They're funny looking with the curly feathers hanging in front of their heads.
After 7800, not many bflys -- just a few whites. But there are damselflies! Brown and Blue ones! And then I see a dragonfly - looks like female Green Darner (they're blue)! I was expecting to see more bflys on this section but it didn't happen. Perhaps a little later in the season. I do see a King Fisher.
On the way back, on the top of a tree is a very tiny bird. I zoom in with my camera and its a hummingbird!
I see another quail pair. They're walking down the trail in front of me. Problem, there are 3 bikes pedaling towards the quail. They're sandwiched between me and the oncoming bikes. I can see they are trying to decide what to do -- the only exit is to the left toward the river. The female is in front of the male. All of a sudden, the male quickens its pace, rushes past the female and ducks into the vegetation at the river. So much for the male protector; leaving his lady out to fend for herself. :) The female quickly follows.
On one of my earlier walks, I noticed nests hanging from some of the trees. They looked like oriole nests. Well, I confirmed today they are oriole nests!!!
I get back to the spot where I originally saw the small orange butterflies. Luckily, the one I think is a Copper is still there!! Yea! (Its a Purplish Copper) I looked for the other species, but nothing.
I continue down the trail a bit further and I see the other bfly chasing a Sulpher (yellow bfly). What a bully! I go off trail into the flowers/plants but I lose it. But I see more Purplish Coppers. I continue and see a Red Admiral and finally catch sight of the bfly. Finally, I get a good look. It's a Mylitta Crescent.
Excellent day!
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