Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12 - Mueller Park Trail to Big (aka Elephant) Rock

Looking for an easy, leg stretching hike today and the winner is the Mueller Park Trail to Big Rock (or as the locals call it - Elephant Rock). It's outside the city of Bountiful which is a few miles north of SLC. The hike is 3.58mi and 1020ft (child's play) one way = 7.16mi total.

Parked outside of the park along side the road and by a creek w/ flowing water. Some really nice houses in this area. The first part of the trail is pretty shady as it climbs up thru the pine trees. This is the toughest part of the trail as it climbs out of the valley. Not a lot of plants due to the shade but there are quite a few of a plant that has already gone to seed (I think it a Glacier Lily). I can hear the creek below pretty much the way.

At just less than a mile, the trail opens up to a wonderful view of the valley, mountains, etc to the front

and turning back, a great view of Bountiful, the lake, Antelope Island.... According to my trail cheatsheet, I'm supposed to see Elephant Rock and I'm sure I do but I just can't decide which hilltop is the destination. But there's flowers now, similar stuff I've been seeing (waterleaf, balsamroot, etc). And there's butterflies! In this one stretch I feel like I'm on a Sara Orangetip highway but going in the wrong direction as they were all going downhill. (I wondered if they all go back uphill later in the day.) Unfortunately, they weren't taking rest stops on any of the flowers.

Also, there were lots of Juba Skippers. I was kicking them up all along the sunny spots on the entire trail or they were just zipping along from flower to flower. And their aerial combat maneuvers w/ other Jubas was quite entertaining.

The trail followed the contour of the hillside weaving in and out. The "in" portions were typically shady; and the "out", very sunny. Some impressive views on those sunny stretches. At around 2.5mi, I can hear a creek again down below and soon come to several footbridges - one crossing the creek and the others - just spots that need a bridge. Not too much further to go.

I finally get to the portion of the trail that goes left or right. The trail sheet says left. I'm expecting to walk for more than 100ft but boom -- 2 benches and a view down the valley - Bountiful, Lake, Antelope Island, Stansbury Island -- can't beat it! Would make a lovely sunset spot!

There are 2 bikers at the stop. I take my seat on the bench to enjoy the view. The one guy leaves and I meet Bob. He parked behind me (and we left at the same time) and he asks why a person from Illinois would pick this trail (I'm impressed that he even remembered me). I proceed to tell him that I moved here.......he told me that this was a great place for moose, and mountain lion have been seen here as well. Good times!!

After a quick lunch, time to head back. The Juba Skippers were still there doing their thing; no Orangetips. But the sunnier skies brought out the Rocky Mt Duskywing and I see my first Gray Hairstreak of the season!!!

And surprise, surprise, my second dragonfly in UT! He was blue and a long way up from water.

(Oh, and those plants with seedpods at the start of the trail, they were Glacier Lilies - the further up the trail I got, the more blooming Glacier Lilies I saw.)

Good day.

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