Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 12 - Leed's Canyon (and Vermillion Red Cliffs)

Got to the Leed's Canyon exit around noon and proceeded up the gravel road. The road fit 2 cars but the drop off on the upside was steep at times. Saw a beautiful looking (and smelling) flowering bush but no bflys. There were checkerspots in the road that flew when I drove past but could not get a good look because they just wouldn't sit still. Same story with the duskywings, whites, and swallowtails - flying right by me but never landing. Frustrating butterflying; but normal for midday as they are warmed up and ready to move.

Stopped at Leeds Creeks and got lucky with 2 Common Checkered Skippers that actually were on the ground and some little brownish bfly (elfin??) who wouldn't land long enough.

I kept driving...there was an official children's garden along the road (odd place down a dirt road) but I stopped for a short walk. Saw that little brownish bfly on what looked like a huckleberry plant. This time did get a good look and a few (blurry phots) and it looked like an elfin (and the only one that flies here is the Desert Elfin -- which would be a lifer!!!!).

Indian Paintbrush are blooming.

Did a bit more driving and got a 2nd look at what is a Desert Elfin - Yea!! Made my day!
And I did get a photo of a Variable Checkerspot. Yea-2!

On the way down the road, there's some excellent views looking out towards Zion -- Wow!

From there went to the Red Cliffs and walked the Red Cliffs Trail. Short trail that leads out to a little waterfall. But if you follow another trail up, you can get above the waterfall and that leads to a small canyon. I followed it up until the rock climbing started and I turned back.

Lots of lizards running around here.

I tried another trail leading up to some dinosaur tracks but couldn't find the tracks but got to some wonderful views.

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