Well the plan was to go to St George for the week-end to look for early-flying butterflies and some hiking. But I got 1/2 way there (2hrs away) and figured out that I forgot something I needed (and couldn't just buy. Boomerang! back home.
Backup plan was to hike the Yellow Fork trail near Herriman. The area was nice -- ranches, horses....and then subdivisions (right across from the ranch). Somehow they just don't mix.
But the trail....walked up the right side of the creek and surprise, I saw a bfly - what I thought was a Mourning Cloak. Continued the walk and saw another ... what turned out to be a Hoary Comma.
The trail stopped at the picnic area. Was going to continue but very very muddy. So walked back only to see a beautiful Milbert's Tortoiseshell and another and then 2 and other..... (I think the MOurning Cloak was a Tortoiseshell).
ANd then one last Comma (this time a Satyr Comma).
Little surprised at the bflys but shouldn't be as these are all Anglewings and they over winter as adults.
Then I walked the right side of the creek which is actually a road. Had to skirt around mud in spots but then about 1/2 mile in got stopped by mud and a snowy road.
Well I never made it to St George but I still got my 1st bflys of the year :)
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