Sunday, February 10, 2013

Antelope Island Feb 01, 2013

Well this is my 1st day off (yea!) and I'm off to Antelope Island (which the largest of the Great Salt Lake islands at 42 sq miles). To get there you have to drive across causeway (6-7 miles); there is a tollgate to start the journey.

Its very foggy, probably due to the large amount of recent snow -- but it looks arctic and eery. Some of the water is not frozen (mostly due to its salt content) and other parts are. My goal was snowshoeing so I stopped at the visitors center to ask the best place -- an answer of "I'm not sure" was not what I was expecting. So off I went in my car to explore.

 Saw some Chukar Partridge crossing the road - a pretty but non-native gamebird.

Finally ended up at the Buffalo Point parking lot. There is supposed to be a trail that takes you up to the top for a great view but it was buried in 2-3 ft of snow. Nonetheless the view though was pretty spectular. But I just had to follow some other folks footprints and try to get to the top. I was up past my knees in snow so when the footprints stopped so did I. Well worth the effort and I got a wonderful shot (with the Chukar prints) of the view!!!

Down and over to the East side of the island to the Garr Field Ranch. On way saw 3 bison -- all in different spots (one convienently right next to the road). Would have to assume these were males -- poor solitary males. :)

The drive (still wonderful) was along Farmington Bay (fresh water and frozen). To the west were the Antelope Island peaks which I hope to climb this spring/summer (tallest is about 6500 ft). Just enjoying the spotting trees, wetland grasses when something dark on the ice caught my eye. Grabbed my camera and zoomed in on a single coyote - standing and looking like he was eating snow. Then the male was behind her (nicely posed).

 I thought - maybe there's a female nearby and sure enough, about 30-40yrds away resting on the ice was a female. I watched for awhile - the female yawn, lay her head down.... Then the male started trotting towards the female. She became more alert and as he got near, her tail went up --- some kind of male/female greeting I guess.

The female got up and they both trotted off - the female a little faster than the male.

Off I went down to the ranch.

Great day!!

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